🟡1b. TPECard_WEB (EN)

Using Guildes

1. Wifi Connection And Web Login

  • Using Wifi to connect to broad, default password is : "12345678".


  • Using "Safari" to access this web location : "". Login into "TPESoft" by default password : "12345678".

  • Using "Google" to access this web location : "". Login into "TPESoft" by default password : "12345678".

2. Add, update and delete card (through the reader)

2.1 Add card

  • Step 1. Choose “Thêm Thẻ” function

  • Step 2. Select the floor you want to configure and swipe the card through the reader to add the card. If the addition is successful, a notification will appear in the software, and the circuit will emit 3 beeps.

  • Step 3. After successfully adding card, click "X" to exit.

2.2 Update card

  • Step 1. Choose “Sửa Thẻ” function

  • Step 2. Select the floor you want to configure and swipe the card through the reader to modify the card. If the modification is successful, a notification will appear in the software, and the circuit will emit 2 beeps.

  • Step 3. After successfully modifying, click "X" to exit.

2.3 Delete card

  • Step 1. Choose “Xóa Thẻ” function

  • Step 2. Swipe the cards you want to delete through the reader to remove them. If the deletion is successful, a notification will appear in the software, and the circuit will emit 2 beeps. Then, select 'X' to exit the card deletion mode..

2.4 Delete all card in broad

  • Step 1. Choose “xóa toàn bộ thẻ ’’ function. Click “có” to delete all card, and then click "Đóng" to exit. Click “Không” if don't want to delete anymore, and then click “Đóng” to exit.

3. Manually add, update and delete card (Enter card code)

3.1 Manually add card

  • Step 1. Choose “Thêm-sửa-xóa thẻ thủ công’’ function

  • Step 2. Enter card code into “Mã số thẻ” and then click “Thêm thẻ”, board will emit 2 beeps and display the status of a successful card addition.

3.2 Manually modify card

  • Step 1. Choose “Thêm-sửa-xóa thẻ thủ công” function

  • Step 2. Enter card code into “Mã số thẻ” and then click “Sửa thẻ” và board will emit 2 beeps and display the status of a successful card modification.

3.3 Manually delete card

  • Step 1. Choose “xóa toàn bộ thẻ ’’ function. Click “có” to delete all card, and then click "Đóng". Click “Không” if don't want to delete anymore, and then click “Đóng” to exit.

  • Step 2. Enter card code into “Mã số thẻ” and then click “Xóa thẻ” và board will emit 2 beeps and display the status of a successful card deletion.

4. Other Features

4.1 Autocall

  • Note: Only use for single-floor cards. When this feature is enabled, swiping the card will automatically call the function without the need to press a button.

  • Operation: Select "Cài Autocall", choose 'Bật' to activate the feature or 'Tắt' to disable the automatic floor call feature, then select 'Đóng' to exit the mode.

4.2 Call 1 Floor

  • Note : Khi bật chức năng này thì mỗi lần quẹt chỉ bấm được 1 tầng, muốn bấm nhiều tầng thì phải quẹt thẻ nhiều lần để chọn.

  • Operation: Select “Cài gọi một tầng’’, select “Bật” to activate the feature or "Tắt" to disable the automatic floor call feature, then select 'Đóng' to exit the mode.

4.3 Bypass

  • Note: When this function is enabled, the elevator will operate freely without using a card.

  • Operation: Select “Cài Bypass mode’’, select “Bật” to activate the feature or "Tắt" to disable the automatic floor call feature, then select 'Đóng' to exit the mode.

4.4 Wifi Setting

  • Step 1. On “TPESoft” web interface, select “Cài đặt WiFi”.

  • Step 2. Enter new password of WiFI and click “Lưu” and then select "Reset bo mạch" on web interface to update WiFi, after reconfiguring the Wi-Fi, the login account and password will be the new Wi-Fi network name and the new Wi-Fi password.

  • Note: Button "Reset" Wifi : Restore the Wi-Fi name and password of the board to default (Wi-Fi name: "Board Name" and Wi-Fi password: "12345678").

4.5 Broad Reset

  • Note: After Reset, broad will restart.

  • Operation: On “TPESoft” web interface, select “Reset bo mạch’’, select “Bật” to activate the feature or "Tắt" to disable the automatic floor call feature, then select 'Đóng' to exit the mode.

4.6 Time Select Floor

  • Note: Time delay after press button .

  • B1. Tại giao diện web “TPESoft” chọn “Thời gian chọn tầng’’, nhập thời gian delay từ 3-10 giây và nhấn “Lưu” sau đó chọn “Hủy bỏ” để trở về giao diện chính.

4.7 No Card Floor

  • Step 1. On “TPESoft” web interface, select “Tầng không dùng thẻ’’, select the floor that free to go and select “Lưu phân tầng” and then click “X” to exit.

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